Pupils are expected to arrive on time for all classes, assemblies, and individual appointments with faculty. Frequent lateness can have a serious deleterious impact on the child’s learning and overall achievement. For upper class students, an accumulation of four (4) lateness during the term will result in a parent phone conference. Parents may be asked to meet with an administrator in cases of excessive absence or lateness.
Personal Electronic Devices
Personal electronic devices including cell phones and other handheld devices may not be used on campus without prior approval and under the supervision of a teacher. We request that toys and trading cards remain at home as well. Students who establish a pattern of cell phone and/or handheld-device misuse can face the possibility of having their phones confiscated.
Field Trips
Occasionally, IB Arthur School students will be taken on field trips away from school to improve their learning. The school’s hope is that all students should join those trips because they are part of the formal curriculum of the school. It is not expected that parents will pay any expenses related to those trips as such costs are covered by the school fees. The head teacher will send emails to parents before these trips giving information and requesting help, if needed.
Classroom Visitation
We discourage unplanned visits from family and relatives as this could be extremely distracting to the students. Parents who wish to visit their child’s classroom should call Administration office to receive permission to visit and then arrange an appropriate time with the individual teacher.
Birthday Parties and Celebrations
Parents and guardians should note that birthday celebration is not allowed on campus under any circumstances.
School Feeding
We collaborate with parents to serve breakfast, lunch, and dessert five days a week for all pupils. A menu for each academic term is determined two weeks before each term opens. The cost of feeding is incorporated in the school fee. Parents can also provide their Children with their own preferred breakfast and lunch; however, it will not provide justification for reduction in school fee. We have available refrigerators and microwaves to preserve the food.
Addressing concerns
When parents have concerns regarding the classroom, they must register their complaints at the Office of the Head Teacher. If the parent feels the concern has not been resolved following a discussion with the Office of the Head Teacher, he may then arrange a meeting with the parent and class teacher at which they will work to resolve the matter together.
We are committed to providing all our students with a caring, friendly, and safe environment so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of some sort in our school is intolerable. If bullying does occur, all students should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to inform the staff.
The following should also be noted:
- Parents and guardians should inform the school if they wish to take their wards out of school for reasons such as transfers, going on leave etc. A month’s or a term’s notice will be required. In lieu of notice the parent or guardian will have to pay the full term’s fees.
- Children should not bring to school expensive items (These includes mobile phones, cameras, tablets etc. more emphasis) When it is necessary (needful for coursework or emergency communication purposes,) parents or guardians would be contacted or they would be expected to inform school authorities while they lodge the gadget with the school.
- All personal property should be properly and clearly marked for clear identification.
- End of term reports are to be picked up on Open Days specified by the school or within the first week of the ensuring term. Failure on the part of parents or guardians to collect reports for 2 consecutive terms will nullify their privilege of having a child or children being admitted to the school. If a parent is unable to pick up reports a letter should be sent informing the school or an authority note given to a person who will collect.
- The school deems it necessary to encourage a close teacher and parent/ guardian relationship to ensure high quality education for their children/ wards. In this regard teachers are committed to maintain high standards of professional conduct and parents are also expected to establish positive relationships with the teachers based on mutual trust and respect. Thus, any verbal abuse or assault by parents and/or teachers is considered unacceptable. Teachers, parents/ guardians should take this seriously as the appropriate sanctions will be enforced in the event of breach.
Emergency Measures
Fire, lock-down and emergency evacuation drills are held at school each term. Students will be asked to go to a designated area, led by their classroom/subject teacher. Every drill is treated as a genuine emergency and is acted on accordingly with urgency.
Health Measures
To avoid the possibilities of making other children (or teachers) ill, please do not send or bring your ward to school if s/he is showing signs of any of the following: Fever, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, and Contagious disease
A child with a contagious disease (which can easily spread to other people will be sent home. S/he may come back to school when the risk of passing on to other children is no more. It is very necessary to call the school to give us heads up if your child becomes ill with a contagious disease so we can then watch out for similar symptoms in other children.
Our teachers, who are certified First Aiders manage minor accidents. Parent will be asked to collect their ward, should s/he be taken ill during the school day. If your ward requires professional medical attention due to an accident, you will be called to come to school, or to attend hospital if necessary. Parents will always be notified if their wards suffer any kind of head injury while at school in case of delayed concussion.
Moreover, it is extremely important that parents inform the school of any life-threatening allergies their child may have so school staff can be informed of any student who requires medication for allergic reactions.
To ensure safety, no prescription drug will be given to pupils on the school premises unless specifically instructed by a medical practitioner or with the consent of parents. If a child is on regular medication, the school requires clear written instructions about the way the medication must be administered.
Furthermore, parents will be pre-informed to give their consent in situations whereby an immunization are to be conducted by practitioners in the interest of your ward’s safety.