1. Effective Date
The 2024/25 academic year fee structure takes effect from 1st August 2024.
2. Next Review
The next review will take place on 1st July 2025.
3. Payment of Fees
Term fees are to be paid in full before school breaks for mid-term.
Transport and extra-curriculum fees must be paid before the school term begins.
4. No Discounts for Siblings
Fees are not discounted irrespective of the number of siblings on the roll.
5. Term Fee Composition
A term fee is the sum of the academic, transport and extra curriculum fees.
6. Coverage of Academic Fees
The academic fee for a school term covers tuition and feeding.
7. Transport Fees
The transport fee is charged depending on the transport route or corridor of the learner.
8. Admission Fee
The admission fee covers the application fee and the cost of school uniforms.
9. Payment Method
- Fees are to be paid to the school’s bank accounts.
- The pay-in slip must be submitted to the Administrator.
10. Refund Policy
Fees paid are not refundable should a parent or guardian decide to withdraw a learner before the school term ends.
11. Payment Reference
The invoice number must be used as a reference when paying at the bank.
12. Bank Accounts
The two Bank Accounts are as follows:
Account Name: IB Arthur School
Branch: Tema Main
Account Number: 0021677601301
Account Name: IB Arthur School
Branch: Ridge Towers
Account Number: 1050028007415